Indian spinner Yuzvendra Chahal’s personal life seems to be going through a rough patch, as rumors suggest that not everything is well between him and his wife, Dhanashree Verma. The couple has reportedly deleted pictures of each other from their social media accounts and have also unfollowed each other on various platforms, sparking speculation about their relationship.
Separation rumors are circulating as a Times of India report suggests that the divorce is unavoidable, and it will soon be formally announced. Although the couple’s precise reasons for splitting up are yet unknown, it is clear that they have made the decision to live their lives on their own. They have reportedly been living apart for more than three months.
Dhanashree & Chahal’s love story
Chahal approached Verma through Instagram DMs and it was after 10-15 days that he received a reply. And, cut two, their training started. While, Chahal was inside his house for 3 months due to COVID pandemic, he learned dance from Verma.
Later, when COVID lockdown got over, their online classes turned into off-line batches. The dance and student-teacher bond led to a deep connection of love.
Yuzvendra Chahal was sure about his feeling for Dhanashree and directly proposed her for marriage. While, Dhanashree was surprised by the straightforwardness, she also got attracted to his honesty and decency. To his proposal, Verma said a yes and they started keeping their relationship a secret. In December 2020, they got married in Gurugram and also kept their wedding a close-knit affair. It was only after they shared their photos that the fans got to know about their relationship.