Sourav Ganguly’s daughter, Sana Ganguly, escaped without sustaining any major harm after a bus hit her car on Friday evening. The incident occurred on Kolkata’s Diamond Harbour Road, where her driver was behind the wheel. The bus, traveling from Kolkata to Raichak, collided with her vehicle from behind in the Behala Chowrasta area. Her driver then chased the bus, as the bus driver attempted to flee the scene. The bus was eventually stopped near Sakher Bazar, and Sana informed the police about the entire situation. The driver was detained. Although there have been no reports of major injuries to her or the driver, Sana’s car sustained some minor damage, which is why no complaint has been filed from her side.
Who is Sana Ganguly
As mentioned, Sana is the daughter of Indian cricket legend and former BCCI president Sourav Ganguly. She is known for keeping a relatively low profile, but she is active on social media. An Economics graduate, she has also gained attention for her interest in classical dance, particularly Bharatanatyam, which has been in the limelight on several occasions.