IPL Media Rights Tender LIVE – IPL Rights E-Auction LIVE: The BIG DAY for the BCCI and the Indian cricket has started delivering results.
The BOARD is up for WINDFALL. Already in the 1st HALF of IPL E-AUCTION, Bids have crossed 43,000 Crore mark.
The Package A and B are on BLOCKS first. All the bidders are bidding from the confines of their own premises. The primary fight is between Disney Star vs Sony Network vs Reliance Viacom18.
he BIG DAY for the BCCI and the Indian cricket has started delivering results. The BOARD is up for WINDFALL. The 1st Day of the BIDDING will end at 6PM. Bids have crossed 43,000 Crore mark (USD 5.5 Billion). The Package A and B got on BLOCKS first.
According to latest info with InsideSport, Package A is currently at 23,000 and Package B of Digital Rights for India is at 20,500 Crore. The primary fight is between Disney Star vs Sony Network vs Reliance Viacom18 for the BROADCAST RIGHTS.
The other contender in the fray ZEE is bidding for the Digital Rights and competing with Hotstat & Reliance Jio (Viacom18).
IPL Media Rights Tender: BCCI up for WINDFALL, BIDS already cross 40,000 Crore: Follow LIVE UPDATES
- @17:15: IPL Per Match Value is comfortably pass 100 CR – As per the CURRENT BIDS: Package A is at 55 CR & Package B has already touched 50 Crores per Match. This means now digital rights alone are more than LAST PRICE of TOTAL IPL PACKAGE.
- @17:00: Just 1 Hour Left for the DAY – All Bidders still in RACE, Bids about to cross $5.5BN
- @16:45: The BID Currently is at 43,000 Crore – this is almost INR 7000 crore more than the overall base price of the full rights package.
- @16:40: IPL E-Auction is unlikely to finish today – The Deadline for the DAY is 6PM. With all BIDDERS still in fray – E-Auction will move to Monday
- @16:00: IPL Digital Rights Values Cross 19,000 Crore / IPL LIVE Broadcast Cross 24000 Crore – Total BID currently just for Indian Sub-Continent Rights stands at close to 43,000 Crore – All Bidders are reportedly still in fray
- @15:30: Bidding Restarts and the VALUE of IPL Rights Per Match crosses 100 Crore: Currently BIDS at 42,000 Crore
- @14:00: In 1st HALF of IPL E-AUCTION – Bidding for the RIGHTS has crossed 40,000 CR – That means already IPL Rights are more than DOUBLED from the current price
- @13:30PM: IPL Rights E-Auction to RESUME at 3:30PM: All bidders still in fray. ‘Numbers can’t be disclosed’, says BCCI Official.
- @12:41PM: 1st Day Auction will go on till 6 PM IST / Break will be taken at 1:30PM to 3PM
- @12:30PM: ZEE unlikely to BID for PACKAGE A / Package B & C is where Zee preferences lies as reported earlier by InsideSport. Sony Sports Network is bidding in the name of Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited for PACKAGE A
- @12:15 PM: Lalit Modi makes BIG & BOLD PREDICTION – IPL Rights will fetch more than USD 8 Billion – says can go up to even $10BN
- @11:55 AM: On Bidders request BCCI allows to Increase incremental BIDS to any amount above 50 LACS. Interestingly as the E-Auction MODULE is, no one from the BCCI or BIDDERS know who is BIDDING what? Only thing that comes on their SCREENS is the LAST BIDDED Amount.
- First on the Block is E-Auction for Package A & B – Simultaneous BIDS to be placed. 49 Crore base price for Package A / 33 Crore for Package B Let’s see who starts the bidding war. Bidders bidding for 410 Matches.
- @11:00 AM: Bidding Begins, Mjunction the E-auction agency is conducting the bidding
IPL Media Rights Tender: Check How E-Auction will work?
IPL Media Rights Tender LIVE: Lalit Modi makes BIG & BOLD PREDICTION on MEDIA Rights Values,…

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