Ampverse, a leading gaming community and IP ecosystem in Asia, and DMI Finance, hosted the College Rivals esports tournament in Hyderabad, India. The event brought together students from esteemed institutions such as BITS Pilani, IIIT, SIST, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, and KL University.
The tournament attracted over 12,000 registrations from esports enthusiasts in Hyderabad alone. The College Rivals truck traveled over 4,700 kilometers to reach Hyderabad, the second city in its nationwide journey after Delhi.
In Hyderabad, College Rivals attracted an average of 600-800 visitors per day. The tournament reached millions of esports fans online, with over 50 million video views. The event witnessed more than 44,000 students for the six different game categories: BGMI, Counter-Strike, FIFA 2023, RTV: Empire, Valorant, and Tekken 7.
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The College Rivals gaming truck was a major attraction at the event, capturing the attention of students and igniting their passion for gaming. Students enjoyed interactive games, engaged with renowned gamers and influencers, and listened to electrifying musical interludes.
The event was supported by key partners, including Philips, Jio Games, Glance, Nostra, and CrepDogCrew. College Rivals has been a huge success in Hyderabad and excitement continues as the tour advances to its next destination, Bengaluru.
The College Rivals esports tournament was a resounding success in Hyderabad. The event brought together students from esteemed institutions, attracted a large number of participants, and generated significant online engagement. College Rivals is a testament to the growing popularity of esports in India. The event is sure to continue to grow in the years to come.