Free Fire Target List Event: Garena Free Fire MAX p[layers are currently enjoying the Assassin’s Creed Crossover. The first event of the campaign named Communlative login has already started. Players can get the Hooded Parachute Skin. However, there are more events lined up. There will be rewards such as Vengeful Brotherhood Bundle, Creed Avatar, Creed Banner, and many more. So, let’s know more about the event in detail. Follow Garena Free Fire Live updates on InsideSport.IN
Free Fire Target List Event: Complete your target list and get exclusive rewards like Vengeful Brotherhood Bundle, and more
Basically, Garena always has these kinds of crossovers for the players. It is the first of the year. Meanwhile, the developers have already released the event calendar. One of the major events of the crossover is the Target List Event. So, the event will begin on 4th March 2022 and will continue until 13th March 2022. So, Gamers will have enough chances to claim the creed items.

Read More: Free Fire Max Hooded Parachute Skin: Check how to get the exclusive skin absolutely for free
Free Fire Target List Event: Complete your target list and get exclusive rewards like Vengeful Brotherhood Bundle, and more
Meanwhile, the event includes rewards such as Creed Avatar, Creed Banner, Brotherhood Pin, Vengeful Brotherhood Bundle, and many more. Basically, gamers should complete a specific target list to get these exclusive rewards. The mega event is knowns as the Creed of Fire. The peak day of the campaign is 12th March. There will be more clarity on the event in the coming days. O, we will share all about it accordingly.

Moreover, there are other rewards besides the upcoming event. Currently, users can get the Hooded Parachute Skin for free by just logging in for five days. Follow Garena Free Fire Live updates on InsideSport.IN
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