The All India Football Association (AIFF) has gone on to suspend Deepak Sharma. Sharma was arrested and later released by the police for assaulting two female footballers. The incident occurred to 2 Khad FC players complained against Deepak Sharma for assaults.
AIFF Statement –
On April 2, 2024, the Executive Committee members met, and after a detailed discussion, the Executive Committee resolved to dissolve the Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Ms. Pinky Bompal Magar, formed on March 30, 2024, and to immediately refer the matter to the AIFF Disciplinary Committee.
Meanwhile, the AIFF Executive Committee has decided to suspend Mr. Deepak Sharma from participating in any football-related activities until further notice.
Earlier, Deepak Sharma was arrested, after the players complained against him. After the incident, Sports Minister Anurag Thakur claimed that the Apex football body of the country takes quick and necessary steps on the matter.
Goa police previously arrested AIFF Executive Committee member Deepak Sharma for allegedly physically abusing two female players. Two Khad FC footballers claimed, the club’s owner, barged into their room and physically abused them on March 28.
The players, Palak Verma and Ritika Thakur reported the event the next day, citing concerns about their safety. According to the complaint submitted to the AIFF, Deepak Sharma, the general secretary of the Himachal Pradesh Football Association and the deputy chairman of the AIFF’s competitions committee, was allegedly inebriated at the time of the attack.