Pokimane shuts down trolls: Imane “Pokimane” Anys is one of the most popular women streamers on the internet across various platforms. From Twitch to YouTube, her videos and clips gain a lot of views and likes as people love her content. Still, she also has to deal with trolls and groups that want to cancel her occasionally. Maybe that is their way of getting her attention as from time to time, as she is subjected to demeaning things about her even on her own Twitch chat. Pokimane trolls, Pokimane Twitch, Pokimane Comes back at trolls
Thankfully, Pokimane is a veteran streamer who is able to handle these negative talks about her and often pokes fun at these attempts. She does not ponder too much on them as she has realized that these are just nonsensical blabberings from trolls and attention seekers.

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Pokimane comes back at trolls that called her ugly on her Twitch chat
One of Pokimane’s good qualities is that she is very appreciative and forgiving of her fans. She often has segments on her live streams where she checks the unban requests on her Twitch chat. She reads out their messages and then proceeds to unban them if their reasons have some basis.
In her latest stream, Pokimane found a lot of unban requests that called her out as ugly. She then went on to have a little fun with these trolls on her Twitch chat. She joked about how she doesn’t have her best appearance every day and it was a wrong thing to call her ugly. She went on to exclaim how each person has their own tastes and preferences. Thus, one will always be ugly according to someone’s standards.
Later, she went on to pick apart these trolls by exclaiming that she is not affected by any of their mean comments and just finds them annoying to read them so regularly. She also poked fun at a user using a Mona Lisa profile photo, by telling that now she is unable to roast them back.
From this episode, we can see that Pokimane is able to handle negative comments towards herself in a proper way. She also asks her trolls to show off their real faces if they find her so ugly. Thus, she never misses a chance to roast back her haters.
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