Hero Esports Asian Champions League (ACL), Asia’s premier multi-title esports tournament, has unveiled a $2 million prize pool. The ACL, independently managed by the Asia Champions League Foundation, will feature titles like Dota 2, Counter-Strike 2, and Honor of Kings, with more to be announced.
Hero Esports Asian Champions League
Co-founded by Hero Esports, the ACL aims to be the most diverse and accessible esports event in Asia. It will promote global esports standardization and foster the healthy growth of the Asian esports ecosystem.
The inaugural ACL will commence in the first half of 2025, culminating in a grand finale in Shanghai. This year’s grand finale will collaborate with DreamHack, marking the renowned gaming festival’s first visit to China.
Jonny Wang, ACL CEO, expressed excitement, stating, “The ACL aims to ‘Create the Impossible’ by bringing together top esports players worldwide and delivering unforgettable experiences for our audience.” Xie Fan, ACL President, emphasized the ACL’s role as a new benchmark for international tournaments.
Hero Esports, Asia’s largest esports company, produces over 7,000 matches annually, captivating an audience of over 800 million. With a global presence and a diverse range of services, Hero Esports is a leading force in the industry.
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Headquartered in Shanghai, Hero Esports has played a pivotal role in organizing prestigious tournaments, including the Olympic Esports Week and the Esports World Cup. The company has also collaborated with leading game publishers like Tencent and Krafton on popular leagues such as the Honor of Kings KPL and PUBG’s PGC.