Apex Legends Mobile just released an animated short featuring its first mobile-exclusive legend – Fade. It is not the first time Respawn has introduced animated lores of his legends. Its Stories from the Outlands series have already showcased many of the most iconic legend’s backstories and how they were made ready for the Apex games. This time though, solely dedicated to the mobile audience, there are obviously some dropbacks in the production quality. But that doesn’t take away the exciting and fast-paced exploration of all the layers of the man behind the mask, Ignacio Huamani a.k.a. Fade. Apex Legends Mobile, Fade Story, Fade Character Trailer,
About Meet Fade: Apex Legends Mobile Character Trailer
In the animated short, Fade and his family of mercenaries are seen on a heist to grab the simulacrum suit as the mission goes sideways. The group tracks down a crashed IMC cargo ship containing the suit. Right after putting his hands on it, Ignacio immediately puts it on as trouble finds its way to the entire group leading to a terrible fate. Watch the short below.
As mentioned before, the character trailer is a downplay compared to all the great Stories from the Outlands episodes we have seen so far. But it also makes sense when you acknowledge that it’s meant for the mobile audience and adheres to the quality purposes.
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Fade is the first but there are more mobile exclusive legends already lined up for the near future. There’s no official confirmation but according to leaks, the names of the upcoming mobile exclusive legends are – Seeker, Botanist, Ampere, Spider and Monkey King. So, this is definitely the first of many animated shorts to be delivered from Respawn Entertainment.
Upcoming Exclusive Legends
-> There are currently 5 Mobile Exclusive Legends in game files.
1. Seeker
2. Botanist
3. Ampere
4. Spider
5. Monkey King#apexlegendsmobile #APEXmobile #ApexLegends #apexmleaks pic.twitter.com/yU9NUGiGrJ— Apex Mobile Leaks (@playapexmleaks) May 21, 2022
Read More: Apex Legends Mobile: Huge Bunny Hop Nerf coming in next season
More about Fade: Character Guide
Fade’s abilities in Apex Legends Mobile

Slipstream (Passive): Fade gains a movement speed boost for a very brief period after performing a certain number of slides. His slide recharges this passive ability and once recharged it activates while sliding.
Flashback (Tactical): Once activated, Fade teleports back to a previous location. It also leaves a trail similar to Wraith’s void.
Phase Chamber (Ultimate): Fade drops down the activator core in his suit to make everyone in the radius incapable of dealing or receiving damage by sending them into the void temporarily. If Fade himself is caught in this, he gets void running ability exactly similar to Wraith where he can decide which direction to go. For more news on Apex Mobile, keep following InsideSport.IN
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