Apex Legend Mobile: Players of Apex Legend Mobile are excited about season two coming this month, hopeful of new maps and legends kicking in the title. Starting from the theme of the season to new legends and maps, there’s a lot of speculation among the community. With the latest leaks pouring in, information about new modes, maps and Legend has surfaced. For more updates on Apex Legends Mobile, follow InsideSport.IN.
Also Read: Apex Legends Mobile: Fades origin story is out in a new animated short and you don’t want to miss it
Made a new video explaining the leaks found for the new legend DJ in Apex Legends Mobile. Check it out in the comments!
— ThatOneGamingBot (@thegamingbottt) July 1, 2022
About the upcoming Legend DJ aka Rhapsody in Apex Legend Mobile
According to leaks by ‘OneGamingBot’, in-game files have hinted at the arrival of a brand new legend DJ aka Rhapsody. While there were no images of the legend initially revealed, only the image of a robot dog named ‘Rowdy’ was leaked. The most recent leaks provided a silhouette image of a legend with an identical dog on the shoulder. The image also highlighted the likelihood that DJ is a female legend.
Kings Canyon Map
( from in game files )#apexlegendsmobile #apexmleaks pic.twitter.com/0rZrc9eZDj— Apex Mobile Leaks (@playapexmleaks) June 29, 2022
Upcoming Multiplayer mode
Codenamed – Occupation Point.
Assets for next “possible” MP mode found in files. Might work similar to Hardpoint/Domination/Control from CoDM. No info on when it’s coming. #apexlegendsmobile #ApexLegends #apexmleaks pic.twitter.com/KYb5Ho5MaA
— Leakers On Duty APEXM (@LeakersOnApexm) June 29, 2022
New modes and maps in Apex Legend Mobile
In order to improve the dynamic gameplay, players are also yearning for additional maps and modes. Additional leaks suggest that the upcoming multiplayer option, Occupation Point, will be included in the game. The likelihood that Phase Runner, Water Plant, and Refinery will be the future multiplayer mode maps is high despite the lack of information regarding the release dates. Many sources have also confirmed that the map named ‘King’s Canyon’ will be finally added in the upcoming season of the title.
Upcoming MP Maps
•Phase Runner
•Water Plant
•Refinery (PoI from World’s Edge)
No info on when they are coming. #apexlegendsmobile #ApexLegends #apexmleaks pic.twitter.com/mZRM3wqQYT— Leakers On Duty APEXM (@LeakersOnApexm) June 29, 2022
Players should note that these leaks haven’t received any official confirmation. With season two around the corner, the developer of the game will release a number of brand-new upgrades and events that the fans would love.
Read More: Apex Legend Mobile: New leaks indicate DJ aka Rhapsody is the upcoming legend
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