Esports & Gaming
Amouranth Enters Esports as Co-Owner of Wildcard Gaming

Amouranth Enters Esports as Co-Owner of Wildcard Gaming

Twitch streamer and entrepreneur Amouranth expands her business ventures into esports by becoming a co-owner of Wildcard Gaming.

Content creator and entrepreneur Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa has expanded her diverse business portfolio by becoming a co-owner of Wildcard Gaming, an esports organization. While the financial details of the deal remain undisclosed, Amouranth has secured a “significant ownership stake” with the aim of growing and scaling the organization.

This move into esports follows Amouranth’s previous declarations about exploring opportunities beyond adult content, despite still maintaining her presence on OnlyFans. The investment aligns with other content creators like DisguisedToast and MoistCr1TiKaL who have also ventured into esports ownership.

“I’ve always been interested in esports,” Amouranth stated. “Wildcard felt like the best opportunity to help shape a growing organization.” This marks an exciting new chapter for both Amouranth and Wildcard Gaming as they embark on this partnership in the competitive gaming landscape.

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Wildcard Gaming, known for competing in Dota 2 and Rainbow Six Siege, recently underwent a rebrand to reaffirm its playful yet professional identity. Amouranth’s involvement will include participation in Rainbow Six Pro League watch parties and contributions to the organization’s social reach.


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