When Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli took the field for their first Super 8 match against Afghanistan on Thursday, viewers noticed black armbands on the captains’ shoulders, symbolizing solidarity or mourning. India wore these bands to express their grief on the passing of former India fast bowler David Johnson on Thursday.
BCCI said before the game, “Team India will wear black armbands today in memory of former India fast bowler David Johnson, who passed away on Thursday.”
David Johnson passes away at 52
David Johnson, a former player for India and Karnataka, passed away at the age of 52. He represented Karnataka and played in two Test matches for India, making his debut in 1996. The Indian cricket team expressed their sorrow by wearing black armbands.
Johnson featured in two international Test matches, where he took three wickets. In first-class cricket, he played 39 matches and took 125 wickets at an average of 28.63.