Former India captain MS Dhoni celebrated his 42nd birthday on Friday (July 7). The Indian cricket legend’s special day was celebrated by his fans in all over the world. On Saturday, Dhoni returned the love to his fans through an adorable video. In the video that has now gone viral, Dhoni is seen cutting the cake with his four pet dogs at his Ranchi farmhouse.
After the celebration, Dhoni adorably feeds the cake to each of his dogs.
“Thanks a lot for all your warm wishes, a glimpse of what I did on my birthday,” MS Dhon captioned the post.
The cricketer’s bond with his furry friends won hearts, and the video quickly went viral on social media platforms.
Also Read: MS Dhoni Birthday grips Nepal, Fans celebrate with humanitarian welfare
Fans flooded the comments section with heartfelt birthday wishes for the CSK skipper and applauded his gesture of including his dogs in the celebration.
MS Dhoni’s wife, Sakshi Dhoni, also reacted to the video by putting heart emojis in the comments section.
Dhoni and his love for animals
Notably, MS Dhoni’s love for animals is not something new. The 42-year-old has all kinds of pets in his farmhouse. Along with his dogs Zara, Sam, Lily, Gabbar, and Zoya, Dhoni also has one horse named ‘Chetak’. In 2021, MSD had gifted his daughter Ziva a new pony.
Dhoni, who has ventured into agriculture after his international retirement, also raises dairy cows and rare chicken breeds on his farm.
In cricket front, MS Dhoni is set to continue in IPL for at least one more season. The CSK skipper underwent a knee surgury post a successful IPL 2023 and has hinted that he will feature in IPL 2024.
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