Once India’s star cricket Vinod Kambli at the age of 52, has been without a mobile phone for over six months after failing to pay ₹15,000 for iPhone repair charges. The shopkeeper retained the phone, leaving the former cricketer disconnected during a difficult phase in his life.
Health woes add to the misery
Kambli is currently admitted to Akruti Hospital in Thane, recovering from brain clots and a urinary infection. Though his condition has stabilized, doctors noted signs of memory loss. “He might regain 80-90% of his memory with time and rehabilitation,” said Dr. Dwivedi, who is overseeing his treatment.
Financial troubles deepen
Once a cricketing star with a net worth of ₹13 crore, Kambli now depends on a ₹30,000 monthly pension from the BCCI. His wife, Andrea Hewitt, revealed harassment from their housing society over unpaid maintenance fees of ₹18 lakh. “His photo has been put up as a defaulter in the society,” she disclosed. The Shiv Sena offered ₹5 lakh to support Kambli’s medical treatment. However, the aid barely scratches the surface of his struggles, which include health and financial challenges.
A Glimmer of Resilience
Despite these setbacks, Kambli showed positivity by dancing in his hospital ward, spreading cheer among staff and patients. In a heartfelt message, he thanked his supporters, saying, “I have reached this far because of your love.” Vinod Kambli began his international career with great assurance but struggled to maintain his form. Later, after the 1996 World Cup semifinals, his situation became hard, not getting the place in the Indian Team and slowly out of the domestic team too. Some believe that off-field problems played a role in hindering his career. Kambli’s story shows us the stark challenges he faces—from losing his phone over unpaid dues to battling health issues—showing how fame can be fleeting and life unpredictable.