Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) entered Day 2 of the IPL 2025 Mega Auction with a strong budget of Rs. 30.65 crore, the highest among all teams. After securing six players on the first day, RCB made headlines on Day 2 by acquiring all-rounder Krunal Pandya for Rs. 5.75 crore and stealing the spotlight with the purchase of pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar for Rs. 10.75 crore. Their auction journey began with England all-rounder Liam Livingstone, whom they bought for Rs. 8.75 crore.
Additionally, RCB added players like Phil Salt, Jitesh Sharma, Josh Hazlewood, and Rasikh Dar to their squad. Before the auction, the franchise retained key players such as Virat Kohli, Rajat Patidar, and Yash Dayal, forming a star-studded team for the season.
RCB players bought in IPL 2025 auction
- Liam Livingstone (Rs 8.75 cr)
- Phil Salt (Rs 11.50 cr)
- Jitesh Sharma (Rs 11 cr)
- Josh Hazlewood (Rs 12.50 cr)
- Rasikh Dar Salam (Rs 6 cr)
- Suyash Sharma (Rs 2.60 cr)
- Krunal Pandya (Rs 5.75 cr)
- Bhuvneshwar Kumar (Rs 10.75 cr)
- Tim David (Rs 3 cr)
- Romario Shepherd (Rs 1.50 cr)
- Nuwan Thushara (Rs 1.60 cr)
- Manoj Bhandage (Rs 30 L)
- Jacob Bethell (2.6 Cr)
- Swapnil Singh (50 L)
- Devdutt Padikkal (2 cr)
- Swastik Chikara (30 L)
- Lungi Ngidi (1 Cr)
- Mohit Rathee (30 L)
- Abhinandan Singh (30 L)
RCB full squad for IPL 2025
Virat Kohli, Rajat Patidar, Yash Dayal, Liam Livingstone, Phil Salt, Jitesh Sharma, Rasikh Dar, Suyash Sharma, Krunal Pandya, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Tim David, Romario Shepherd, Nuwan Thushara, Manoj Bhandage. Jacob Bethell, Swapnil Singh, Devdutt Padikkal, Swastik Chikara, Lungi Ngidi, Mohit Rathee, Abhinandan Singh.