Karnataka’s Prasidh Krishna and Devdutt Padikkal, and Tamil Nadu’s Washington Sundar could be soon seen in action in the Vijay Hazare Trophy knockouts, in Vadodara from Jan 9. All three players were part of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, and would like to prove their credentials, through the VHT, for the IND vs ENG series and Champions Trophy, eventually.
Washington Sundar Likely in Vijay Hazare Knockouts
But as reported earlier, KL Rahul, who played all the five Tests in the IND vs AUS series, has requested for a break and opted out of the VHT. But then, there is no clarity still if the batter will play in the second phase of the Ranji Trophy, starting on Jan 23. Coming back to Washington Sundar, he could make the VHT squad, if Tamil Nadu manages to make it to semis of the tournament.
On the other hand, Devdutt and Prasidh are slated to join Karnataka team, ahead of their quarters encounter against Baroda on Jan 10, in Vadodara. For the record, Devdutt just played the Perth Test, where he returned with scores of 0 and 25, and similar was the case with Prasidh, who played in Sydney Test, and picked up 6 wickets.
Nitish Kumar Reddy to Play in Ranji Trophy
Meanwhile, Nitish Kumar Reddy is yet to reach India, and will only be seen in action, in the Ranji Trophy, as Andhra failed to make it to the knockout stages of the Vijay Hazare Trophy. After a few 40s, he finally managed to impress everyone with his maiden ton in Melbourne, in the first innings.
Now, he is likely to play in the second phase of the Ranji Trophy. His team, Andhra have two matches left — against Puducherry on Jan 23, and versus Rajasthan on January 30. As far as the points table is concerned, they are placed 7th in the Group B and have not won any match till now. In fact, they have faced three losses.