Following the defeat in the Boxing Day Test, the Indian cricket team finds itself in a tough situation. The loss was a blow, and issues in the dressing room have also come to light. Reports suggest there was chaos in the team after the IND vs AUS Melbourne Test, with head coach Gautam Gambhir giving a harsh evaluation of the players. It was also revealed that a senior player has positioned himself as a temporary captaincy option, labelling himself as India’s ‘Mr. Fix-It,’ though it’s believed he doubts the young players’ capacity to lead.
Uthappa’s strong reaction
Former India cricketer Robin Uthappa has expressed his concerns over these developments. On Instagram, Uthappa criticised the unnamed senior player, urging them to be “named and shamed.” “Whoever Mr. Fix-It is, I think is an absolute disappointment of a human being at this point in time. I think whoever that is, he should be really ashamed of himself. At a time when you need to keep the team together to progress a personal agenda, is completely, in my opinion, pathetic. You don’t put yourself ahead of your team, irrespective of how bad things are,” said Uthappa.
“At that point in time, you actually double down on your team. You double down and say, ‘I’ll do whatever is required at that point in time.’ Whoever this person is, whether it’s a senior, not a senior, it does not matter, has to be named and shamed. This has to stop. This level of childishness and personal agenda being driven forward at a time when the team needs more unity, has to stop,” Uthappa added.
Leadership transition
As India trails Australia 1-2, Rohit Sharma wasn’t included in the squad for the Sydney Test. Jasprit Bumrah stepped in as captain for the second time this series. On the opening day, India got all out for 185, and Australia’s Usman Khawaja was dismissed by Bumrah before the end of the day.
Future plans in jeopardy for Rohit
Sources indicate that Rohit Sharma is not in the selectors’ red-ball plans beyond the Australia tour, which has been communicated to him. After the tour, Virat Kohli will also discuss the team’s future with selectors as India prepares for a major transition. Ravindra Jadeja remains a key figure, with his all-round skills being crucial during this change.