The Madras High Court on Monday announced that it will hear the contempt of court case filed by former Team India captain, MS Dhoni, against Tamil Nadu IPS officer Sampath Kumar on June 15. Dhoni has accused the officer of making scandaling remarks against the cricketer in response to the INR 100 crore defamation suit filed by Dhoni for having him named in the IPL betting scandal in 2013.
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In his written statement, Sampath Kumar allegedly made comments that were critical of the judiciary. Dhoni, who pleaded with the court to take action against the IPS officer, claimed that the remarks were scandalous and amounted to contempt of court.
R. Shanmugasundaram, the Advocate General of Tamil Nadu, granted Dhoni permission to file a case petition under the Contempt of Courts Act, after finding merit in the cricketer’s argument.
Dhoni had earlier expressed his concerns over the IPS officer’s comments. In a written statement, the CSK skipper said, “He has stated that the Supreme Court deviated from the rule of law and kept the deposition of the Justice Mudgal Committee, which was constituted to probe the 2013 match-fixing allegations, in a sealed cover for reasons he failed to comprehend.”
In 2014, the IPL betting and match-fixing scam surfaced, resulting in the suspension of several players from Chennai Super Kings and Rajasthan Royals, resulting in the suspension of the franchises for the IPL 2016 and 2017.
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