Rohit Sharma pulled the rumours out of the park by clearing all doubts surrounding his Test career. Rohit, who opted out of the Sydney Test, has seen Jasprit Bumrah once again leading the pack and doing well for India. Speaking about Rohit, he recently appeared on Star Sports during the lunch break before the second session. While speaking to the broadcasters, he cleared all the rumours that surfaced after the MCG Test loss. Rohit himself clarified that opting out does not mean retirement, it was a decision he took due to not scoring runs with his bat. As he clearly said that I am not going anywhere. He also shared how criticism often arises without proper understanding. After all the clarification, his fans let out a sigh of relief. More than that, many fans are praising his transparency and the way he came forward to state all the correct facts. Take a look at all the reactions after Rohit addressed the ongoing rumours about his Test career.
GOAT for a reason: Fans salute Rohit Sharma after addressing Test retirement rumours
Rohit Sharma came and threw the rumours out of the stadium as Hitman recently joined Star Sports broadcasters during the Day 2 lunch break and cleared all the wrong news, which became the reason for his fans to love him even more.
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