Former coach Rahul Dravid recently opened up about some behind-the-scenes moments from India’s dressing room during a media conversation in Paris. These rare glimpses into the dressing room are always of great interest to Indian fans. In this article, we’ll delve into a humorous incident that took place in India’s dressing room.
Virat Kohli’s ragging by Yuvraj-Harbhajan
Yuvraj Singh and Harbhajan Singh are known as the funny bones of the Indian dressing room. It’s usual for newbies to touch Sachin Tendulkar’s feet in order to win his blessings prior to their debut, Virat Kohli was told by Yuvraj and Harbhajan when he was nervously getting ready for his debut. Taking their advise to heart, Virat Kohli touched Sachin’s feet. Later, Sachin revealed to him that he had been the victim of a joke by the team’s infamous pranksters.
Prank on Saurav Ganguly
Fearless skipper Sourav Ganguly was renowned for his strong bond with his teammates and unceasing encouragement to play fearlessly. Visibly upset, Ganguly offered to resign when Yuvraj and Ashish Nehra told him they would not play under his captaincy because of damaging remarks he had made about them in the press.
Only after witnessing Ganguly’s intense reaction did Rahul Dravid realize the joke had gone too far. Realizing it was all a ploy, Ganguly grabbed a bat and drove all the players involved in the joke out of the dressing room.
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Sunil Gavaskar and Farokh Engineer’s banter
Farokh Engineer and Sunil Gavaskar were selected to play for the Rest of the World squad in 1971. As an experienced player, Farokh cautioned Gavaskar to maintain composure, saying:
“Don’t get out for a duck, as the walk back to the pavilion will be the longest you’ve ever experienced here in Melbourne.”
Ironically, Gavaskar had the final laugh after Engineer was fired for a duck.