Lalit Modi, the mastermind behind the Indian Premier League (IPL), is now turning his attention towards The Hundred. Modi has proposed a plan to restructure the tournament and it has many parallels to the league in India. With a life ban imposed by BCCI currently in place on Modi, the ex-IPL official is now eyeing to make The Hundred another successful league orchestrated by him.
Lalit Modi’s proposal for The Hundred
As per Cricbuzz, Modi presented a proposal to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to boost its revenue by restructuring The Hundred. It includes a $100 million purse for the teams for 10 years and a $10 billion inflow into ECB’s account.
The highlight of of his proposal is the aim to make The Hundred a ‘English dominated’ league with minimum involvement of teams from IPL.
“I have suggested only two IPL teams; it has to be an English league and not India dominated,” Modi told Cricbuzz.
As per the report, the ECB is yet to consider Modi’s proposal as it awaits to consult the BCCI, keeping in mind ‘bilateral relations’.
“Being an sovereign and autonomous body, ECB is not obliged to consult the BCCI but it may for the sake of bilateral relations with the BCCI,” said a source.