The upcoming IPL 2024 match between Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) scheduled for Friday is facing a major hurdle – a power cut at the Uppal Stadium in Hyderabad. The Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) disconnected the power supply due to outstanding electricity bills owed by the Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA).
Mounting dues lead to disconnection
The HCA has reportedly failed to clear dues amounting to a total of Rs 3,05 crore, including both principal dues and a surcharge for late payment as per News18.
Despite the HCA’s request to waive the surcharge in light of the pandemic, the TSSPDCL remained firm in its stance. A final notice was issued in February 2024, warning of disconnection if payment wasn’t received within 15 days. Unfortunately, the HCA did not meet this deadline, leading to the current predicament.
Uncertainty looms over SRH vs CSK IPL Match
This power cut casts a shadow of uncertainty over the highly anticipated SRH vs CSK IPL 2024 match. With the stadium currently in darkness, it’s unclear whether officials can resolve the issue before the scheduled start time.
Both teams have likely completed their training sessions, but without a functioning power supply, hosting the match seems improbable.
IPL 2024 fans left frustrated
This situation is sure to cause frustration among fans who were eagerly looking forward to the clash. The delay or potential cancellation of the match would be a major disappointment for them, especially considering the high-profile teams involved.
More about Sunrisers Hyderabad:
Call for Resolution
All parties involved, the HCA, the TSSPDCL, and the IPL organizers, need to work together to reach a swift resolution. Whether this involves a last-minute payment settlement or a postponement of the match, a quick decision is necessary to minimize disruption to the IPL schedule and avoid disappointing fans.