Recently, the Australian media harshly criticised the Indian cricket team and its captain, Virat Kohli, during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Initially celebrating Kohli, calling him the “King”, their tone shifted dramatically, labelling him as a “national villain” after the Kohli-Konstas shoulder push incident. Terms like “clown” for Kohli were thrown around freely, showing a longstanding tendency to cross the line. Graeme Smith on the sidelines of SA20 said that he believes that after all this drama, it would be very satisfying to see South Africa beating Australia at the WTC finals.
World Test Championship Final is coming
With the Border-Gavaskar Trophy behind us, attention now turns to the World Test Championship final at Lord’s. The match will see reigning champions Australia take on a spirited South Africa. South Africa after basking in a seven-match winning streak is eager for a chance at redemption. Former captain Graeme Smith and others are optimistic about their chances, given past close calls in world tournaments.
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Graeme Smith’s perspective on South Africa to WTC finals
Graeme Smith, recalling his past achievements, expressed excitement for the upcoming final. “A Test match like that is an interesting one to predict. It should not be a shock when you get here… if we beat them, all these things that come from that place… it’s going to be worthwhile.” Smith is famous for his bravery during the 2006 and 2009 series against Australia. He believes in South Africa’s potential to succeed again.
Temba Bavuma’s Leadership
Now, 16 years later, Temba Bavuma has the chance to make history. Fondly nicknamed ‘Lord’ Temba in India, he has become a meme sensation. As the captain of South Africa, he has secured 10 wins from the last 14 Tests, including an impressive seven-match winning streak. On Bavuma’s leadership. “It should mean a lot to everybody and Temba… He is not a character that is going to be on people’s faces and shouting and going mad… he has led the team to seven victories in a row.” Smith said.