Former Indian spinner Laxman Sivaramakrishnan on Saturday took X by storm when he targeted off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin. The 57-year-old made several controversial remarks against Team India’s veteran off-spinner. In one of his tweet, the commentator shared image of Ashwin bowling in nets and claimed that the 37-year-old’s stance while bowling is not correct and offered him help.
Laxman Sivaramakrishnan was trolled heavily for his remark but the former Indian cricketer made more remarks on Ashwin’s bowling. He later claimed that Ashwin even called him to discuss latter’s bowling action. To close the matter, Sivaramakrishnan then wished good luck to Ashwin for the World Cup 2023.
Notably, Ravichandran Ashwin was included in World Cup 2023 squad at the last minute in place of injured Axar Patel. At that time, the 1985 World Championship of Cricket winner congratulated the off-spinner and suggested him to go for wickets and not to contain runs.
“Congratulations to R.Ashwin for making himself a place in the World Cup squad with sheer impressive qualities that he possesses and has displayed in the recent past. His job is to take wickets and not look to contain, if he can average a couple of wickets each game he would have done a great job. Good luck”, he wrote on X.
Pitches in India are doctored for Ashwin- Laxman Sivaramakrishnan
However, on Saturday, Laxman Sivaramakrishnan posted several controversial remarks on Ravichandran Ashwin. The most shocking comment Sivaramakrishnan made was when he claimed that Indian pitches are doctored for the Chennai-born spinner and called him a “selfish stats player”
He further reasoned that Indian batters’ failure with the bat in Tests are due to the officials who doctor pitches to help Ashwin. He further said that any fool can take wickets on doctored wickets.
Sivaramakrishnan then targeted International Cricket Council (ICC) for not having a quality spinner in their commentary panel for the World Cup 2023. He called out the cricket body and questioned how will people get to know about the intricacies of spin bowling.
“Not one genuine spinner in the commentary panel that is being played in India. How will people get educated on spin bowling. Does it mean only batsmen and some colour commentators know the game. Pathetic mix,” Sivaramakrishnan wrote on X.