IPL franchise Mumbai Indians shocked many when they announced Hardik Pandya as their new captain. The appointment marked the end of Rohit Sharma’s successful 10-year captaincy tenure, where he led MI to 5 IPL titles.
The announcement led to a lot of backlash and criticism from fans, who called MI’s decision as ‘betrayal’.
Meanwhile, amid the social media chaos, IPL franchise Royal Challengers Bangalore announced their new clothing merchandise, “LOYALTY is ROYALTY”, which will drop in 2024.
“Dropping Soon: “LOYALTY is ROYALTY” – 2024 #RCBXPuma Athleisure Collection
An ode to the best and the most loyal fans! We’re grateful for your unwavering support”, RCB posted on X.
The annoncement from RCB left netizens wondered if it was a dig at the Mumbai franchise.
Check out some reactions:
Notably, Hardik Pandya, who led Gujarat Titans to an IPL win in 2022, returned to Mumbai Indians during trading window.