Code of Ethics

Insidesport has voluntarily developed the Code of Ethics to clearly demonstrate our unwavering commitment to responsible digital publishing. This Code encompasses fundamental principles of journalistic ethics such as accuracy, impartiality, and transparency.

Our goal is to present news content truthfully and objectively, ensuring that all sides of a story are fairly represented. Our journalists adhere to Editorial Standards that respect privacy and avoid conflicts of interest, thereby maintaining the integrity and trust of our audience.

This Code serves as a general framework to guide our editorial practices. However, individual editorial teams are encouraged to adopt broader standards or implement additional best practices that align with the principles listed herein. By doing so, we aim to foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in journalism.

Editorial Standards

1. Accuracy & Fairness

Our news content is well-sourced, based on sound evidence, and verified from at least two independent sources. 

We never publish inaccurate or misleading information, including headlines not related to the text. 

The distinction between comment, conjecture, and fact is always clearly made.

2. Attribution & Plagiarism

We always credit third-party content and provide a link to the original source where possible. In case of inaccurate crediting, we make corrections with equal prominence. 

3. Opportunity to Respond

Pre-publication Response: Before publishing significant allegations or revealing sensitive or private information about individuals or legal entities, our journalists always provide an opportunity to respond to the subjects concerned.
Post-publication Update: If a response is received after publication, it is appropriately incorporated. We ensure that any updates requested by the concerned individual or party are reflected, including the date of the update. 

4. Transparency 

We clearly label and separate paid content, advertorials, and advertiser content from our editorial content. 

To ensure accountability, information about the author of each article is always included.

5. Discrimination

Details of an individual’s age, disability, sex, race, or other characteristics are included only when genuinely relevant to the story. Religious, ideological, or cultural practices are not conflated, and biased or derogatory photos, videos, or other materials are avoided.

6. Impartiality

To ensure impartiality, we incorporate diverse viewpoints and carefully weigh multiple perspectives when addressing controversial topics.

7. Justice

Our journalists take special care if/when reporting on court and judicial matters to ensure accuracy and create awareness of accurate reporting. Criminal investigations or proceedings are not knowingly or negligently obstructed or prejudiced (i.e. publishing evidence in a story), and individuals suspected of offenses are never identified before being charged. Instead, our reporting is always fact-based and unbiased.

We exercise special caution if/when reporting on cases of workplace sexual harassment, child abuse, rape, crimes involving minors, matrimonial issues, riots, communal clashes, divorce, custody, and adoption matters. Compliance with Sections 67, 67A, and 67B of the Information Technology Act, 2000, which address penalties for publishing obscene or sexually explicit material, including content depicting children, is essential in our practice.

8. Harm & Offense

Our news reporting is never causing unnecessary harm or offense. Offensive content is justified only by context and editorial purpose, and clear warnings are provided for materials that may be potentially offensive.

9. Privacy

We respect people’s reasonable expectations of privacy. 

  • Covert means are not used to gain or record information. 
  • Online privacy settings are duly considered when determining the privacy status of the information. 
  • All reasonable steps are taken to avoid additional grief or distress through intrusive news gathering or reporting.

10. Children

Minors are not identified, interviewed, photographed, or shown in images without their consent or that of an appropriate adult. We avoid taking photos or videos near schools, playgrounds, children’s hospitals, or other areas reserved for children.

11. Corrections

Our journalists always ensure pre-publication verification. 

If an article is discovered to contain false or inaccurate information, and the concerned party provides correct information with proper identification and supporting documents, we will edit or remove the relevant portions. If the entire article is inaccurate, we will delete it.

12. Complaints

Where feasible, a complaint section is established.

We comply with the grievance redressal mechanism, which includes appointing a grievance officer, displaying their contact details on the website, responding within 36 hours, and resolving complaints within one month. 

Intellectual Property Rights

Respect for intellectual property rights is essential to our practice. 

Our journalists always obtain prior permission before using copyrighted content and provide proper acknowledgment. Any required fees or royalties are paid. Third-party trademarks and service marks are used only with prior authorization or if qualifying as fair use. If intellectual property rights are infringed, we will edit, delete, or remove the content upon receiving a request with the necessary documentation.

Training and Awareness Programs

As part of our commitment to responsible journalism and adhering to the highest editorial standards, we conduct regular training and awareness programs for our editorial staff. These sessions aim to equip our team with a thorough understanding of applicable laws, including the Constitution of India, the Copyright Act, the Right to Information Act, relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code, and other relevant regulations.

The purpose of these programs is to ensure our journalists are well-informed and up-to-date on legal and ethical guidelines, enabling them to navigate complex issues with integrity and professionalism. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, we aim to enhance the quality and accuracy of our reporting, safeguard the rights of individuals, and uphold the principles of free and fair journalism.

Relevant Sources

Our editorial practices comply with the following laws and guidelines:

  • Constitution of India
  • Indian Penal Code, 1860
  • Press Council Act of 1978
  • Norms of Journalistic Conduct, 2022
  • Digital Media Ethics Code
  • The Information Technology Act, 2000
  • The Copyright Act, 1957
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