It’s only Day 2 of the Indian Open 2025, and Indian women’s players saw a series of disappointments at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Delhi, after the country saw only 1 win and 3 losses in the category on Wednesday. Three Indian players crashed out in the category on the day. India’s hopes, Malvika Bansod, Aakarshi Kashyap, and Rakshitha Ramraj, get eliminated after facing tough losses. The only good thing that happened was Anupama Upadhyaya, the player who was supposed to face PV Sindhu earlier, faced Ramraj to win an reach into the round of 16.
Malvika Bansod fought hard but failed to capitalise
After PV Sindhu, if we have hope for any other player in women’s singles, then it is Malvika Bansod. The player has shone on several occasions for India, and though not as good as the top 10, Malvika has the potential to shine. However, we have seen a different picture in the Indian Open. Playing her first match itself, Malvika played 3 games to lost two against China’s Han Yue, after winning the first game by 22-20, she lost back-to-back games by (16-21, 11-21).
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Rakshitha Ramraj lose to her compatriot
Another Indian in the fray, Rakshitha Ramraj, lost to Anupama Uodahyaya in straight games (17-21, 18-21). Anupama controlled the second game with a five-point streak to seal the win. It was a good one for Anupama, as she was supposed to face star player PV Sindhu, but later she got a draw with Rakshitha.
Aakarshi Kashyap exits after Thai challenge
Aakarshi Kashyap struggled in her first-round match against Thailand’s Pornpawee Chochuwong, losing in straight games (17-21, 13-21). Despite a competitive start, where Aakarshi kept the score close, Pornpawee found her rhythm and took control of the match. Aakarshi couldn’t recover as Pornpawee capitalised on her errors to win both games comfortably.