Following their elimination from the ESL Snapdragon BGMI Pro Series, Indian esports organization TWM Gaming has announced the release of its Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) roster. While the specific reasons for the decision haven’t been officially disclosed, speculation points towards performance-based factors after the team’s underwhelming run in the tournament. Check out the full information below.
The Challenge season of ESL Snapdragon BGMI Pro Series have concluded on 4th February. After the four weeks of action, top 16 teams out of 32 teams qualified for the LAN finals. TWM Gaming finished at the bottom of the table.
The announcement of BGMI Roster release comes right after the conclusion of Challenge season matches. TWM Gaming shared the update through Instagram story.
It is with a mix of excitement and nostalgia that we announce the release of current line up from the TWM GAMING roster.The journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with triumphs, defeats, and unforgettable moments that have shaped the very essence of our gaming family.
Our incredible players have consistently pushed boundaries, achieving remarkable victories that have left an indelible mark on the NORTHEAST ESPORTS scene. From a nail-biting comeback to dominating performances, our roster has been at the forefront of excellence, proudly representing the TWM GAMING spirit
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TWM Gaming BGMI Esports future
As the team bid farewell to our current line-up. The team expressed gratitude to the players for the dedication, passion, and hard work they brought to TWM GAMING.
Looking ahead, the players are open to new opportunities and collaborations; eager to explore fresh perspectives and innovative partnerships that will continue to elevate their presence in the gaming world. TWM GAMING, will continue with their academy line-up for the time being.