The All India Football Federation has gone on to release their Financial Statements for Financial Year 2022-23. The apex football board of the country experienced a loss of 15 crore in the whole Financial year cycle. However, the most important finding, shows a whopping 92 lakh spent on meetings.
Huge increase in Expenditure
While the Income for the AIFF in FY 2022-23 saw a steep rise, the increase in expenditure was even higher. Compared to the previous year, the Income saw a rise from 80 crore to 137 crore. On the other hand, the expenditure saw a rise form 63 crore to 152 crore.
One of the main reasons for the high expenditure was the investment in quite a few tournaments. In the past some of the camps and tournaments were paused owing to Covid. However, in that particular year, the rise in expenditure was credited to the tournament expenses.
On the other hand, the AIFF spent a whopping sum of 92 lakhs only on meetings. In comparison to the previous year, the cost for the meetings were filed at price of 47 lakhs.
Another interesting point to be noted was the high rise in income from the Commercial Rights. In the 2021-22 year cycle, the income for his domain was 58 crore. But in the next year there was a rise in income to about 119 crores.
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