India’s star batter Virat Kohli and wife Anushka Sharma along with their children made a heartfelt visit to the respected priest Premanand Maharaj in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Kohli has been facing a rough patch in his cricket career, having struggled in the Border-Gavaskar series against Australia. Despite hitting a century in the first match, he only managed to make 190 runs in nine innings during the series, which India eventually lost by 1-3. Criticism from former players and fans has been harsh, with some even suggesting retirement for Kohli and captain Rohit Sharma.
The conversation between Kohli-Anushka and Maharaj
In a viral video, the couple was seen receiving blessings from Premanand Maharaj alongside their children, Vamika and Akaay. Anushka shared, “Last time we came, I had some questions in my mind. I thought I would ask something but everyone sitting there had asked you something like that. It’s like I was speaking with you within our own heads. The next day I would open Ekantik Vartalap (Premanand’s sermons streamed online) and someone or the other would be asking the same question.”
Impressed by their devotion, Maharaj expressed, “They are truly brave. Turning to God while being so famous isn’t easy. Anushka’s devotion will surely influence Kohli too.”
A spiritual break for Kohli & Anushka
With the Australian series wrapped up and a new white-ball series against England coming up, Kohli took a moment to relax and visited Premanand Maharaj’s ashram with his family. Both Virat and Anushka have shown their devotion to Lord Krishna many times, often seen participating in prayers and events dedicated to the deity.
Upcoming challenge for Kohli
The series against England starts on January 22 in Kolkata with T20Is and ODIs lined up. Kohli, Rohit, and Ravindra Jadeja have announced their retirement from T20Is following India’s T20 World Cup 2024 win. After that, India will participate in the Champions Trophy 2025, facing Bangladesh in their first match on February 20 in Dubai.