India women’s football team ace forward Manish Kalyan has now started a next phase of her career. The 22-year old forward has decided to leave Apollon Ladies and will be joining Greek side PAOK. Kalyan will be the first Indian women’s footballer to play in the top Greek Division club.
Manisha Kalyan is a very known name among Indian fans. The youngster stormed the headlines back in 2019 when she became the first ever Indian footballer to play in the UEFA Champions League. In fact, back then she was of just 17 years of age.
After a 4 year stint with Gokulam Kerala from 2018 till 2022, she made a switch to Apollon Ladies. She joined the Cyprio Top Divisin league and played the UEFA Champions League qualifiers.
After a two year stint, now Manisha Kalyan has decided to switch her trade again. She is joining the Greek side PAOK.