The Delhi High Court has blocked the unauthorized streaming of the T20 World Cup by rogue websites. As per PTI, the court passed the judgement based on a lawsuit filed by official broadcaster Star Sports India. The lawsuit was filed against several rogue websites which were likely to indulge in the unauthorised dissemination of cricket matches on their platforms.
Unauthorized streaming of T20 World Cup restrained by Delhi HC
“Therefore, swift action to prevent such infringements is crucial to preserving the plaintiff’s investment in the broadcasting rights and maintaining their copyright protection,” the court said in a recent order.
“Defendants No. 1 to 9, and/or any person acting on their behalf, are restrained from communicating, hosting, streaming, screening, disseminating or making available for viewing/ downloading, without authorisation, any part of the ICC events, specifically the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024, on any electronic or digital platform in any manner whatsoever,” the court ordered.
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Further, the court ordered internet and telecom service providers to block access to such sites.